
Aravot Luso: Meri Hovsepyan, Anahit Hovhannisyan


The Aravot Luso morning show hosted Meri Hovsepyan, academic director of Ayb School, education expert, and Anahit Hovhannisyan, consulting expert at the Ayb Educational Foundation, head of the Armenian subject group of Ayb School, who summarized the training and continuous mentoring activities undertaken with over 1500 teachers during the previous year as a result of cooperation with various partners.

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“In practice, if you want the child to be a learner, the school and the teacher should also adopt a learning mindset. When you, as a teacher, invest in your own development, you set an example for your student as well. You also show that learning is a lifelong journey. To reach something, you have to develop. In this regard, I believe the most significant change happening in teachers’ mindset is the tendency and desire for continuous development and transformation.” (Meri Hovsepyan)

"Our main goal is to form a community of practice for teachers. Due to continuous mentoring, in the marzes where our work is mainly conducted, we have teachers who are already prepared to serve as mentors in their schools after completing one training phase. Consequently, a culture is established in the country where teachers take responsibility for their peers." (Anahit Hovhannisyan)

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