
Hybrid Learning as the Beginning of Big Dreams

The Ayb Hybrid Learning free program was launched, providing a two-day educational holiday to the tenth graders included in the program from the regions of the Republic of Armenia, Artsakh and Yerevan.

Ayb Hybrid Learning is an internationally competitive and comprehensive program based on the Araratian Baccalaureate. It is a free education opportunity, which will enable the tenth graders not only to deeply study the natural science of their choice but also, under the guidance of the leading specialists in the field, to apply the acquired knowledge in the projects of public significance. Today, the best educational models in the world are based on project-based education.


During the program presentation, Sona Koshetsyan, executive director of the Ayb Educational Foundation, greeted the participants. "Ayb Hybrid Learning is called to help students implement ambitious projects, receive internationally competitive project-based education, and give wings to bigger dreams," mentioned Sona Koshetsyan, emphasizing the attractiveness of different fields of science and their practical significance.

The program includes 66 participants, out of which 43 represent RA marzes and Artsakh, while 23 are from Yerevan. At the end of the program, students will receive an international certificate on the natural science they learned.

According to Aram Pakhchanyan, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ayb Educational Foundation, education is a constant process, and Ayb Hybrid Learning has been created as an opportunity for tenth graders living in all corners of Armenia to get the best education without leaving their place of residence.

During the two-day presentation, the participants got acquainted with the program trainers, who presented the content of the courses. The Fundamentals of Programming course will be taught by Business Development Group, Design Thinking and Research Skills by Startup Armenia, and Fundamentals of Project Management by PMA.

Fr. Mesrop Aramian, conductor of the Identity and Values course and director of strategic programs at the Ayb Educational Foundation, stated in his speech that the new generation must understand what they want to add to the legacy they have been entrusted with and where they see their contribution. Each generation has its contribution to the strengthening of the nation's consciousness and self-consciousness.

Karen Khachikyan, creator of Robin the Robot and a startup founder, shared his experience in starting a startup, urging the program participants not to miss this unique educational opportunity.

The participants also got acquainted with their project managers, who represent leading scientific and educational institutions as well as have rich experience and innovative thinking.

More than ten project teams were formed, which will bring to life real projects in biology, chemistry, physics, bioinformatics as well as other natural sciences and ICT.

 Ayb Hybrid Learning will last for a year and a half, combining online and offline methods of education, and will provide the students with an opportunity to implement a project as well as to deepen their knowledge of the natural science of their choice. With the next phase, the program is planned to be launched for the children of the Diaspora, thus making the Araratian Baccalaureate available to a larger number of students.


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