
From Now on, Contests Lab will Hold the Kangaroo, Meghu and a Number of Other Contests


According to the memorandum ratified between the Ayb Educational Foundation and the Contests’ Lab educational NGO on September 18, the Foundation has transferred the rights to hold the contests (Kangaroo, Meghu—Armenian for Everyone, Russian Bear Cub—Linguistics for Everyone, World Robot Olympiad and LegoStart robotics competition) it has created and organized since 2008 to the Contests’ Lab educational NGO. Our partner, Contests’ Lab, has been also granted the right to own, use, and manage the contests’ platform and related materials. The authorization empowers to uphold the intellectual property rights of the contests and to develop programs for holding, promoting, and expanding them.

We have successfully managed to create a large educational movement with 750,575 participants from Armenia, Artsakh, and the Diaspora. Our efforts have made significant contributions to bolstering students' subject knowledge, sparking interest in the scientific environment and various subjects, fostering debating and analytical skills, and facilitating professional orientation. Many Armenian children have represented our country on international platforms, embarking on new perspectives of development. Powerful professional communities bringing together specialists and partners from various sectors have been formed both through independent initiatives and international cooperation.

Thus, the Contests’ Lab NGO (CEO Tatevik Adamyan) becomes the sole implementer and responsible for the aforementioned contests. The NGO’s official email address is [email protected].

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