
ForMath: IT for Education

On October 22, six leading IT companies (Picsart, Krisp, Armenian Code Academy, SoftConstruct, PMI and HiLearn) took part in ForMath, a mathematics and logic competition initiated by the Ayb Educational Foundation and Khan Academy Armenia. Another two companies (Ameriabank, ServiceTitan Armenia) contributed to the fundraising for the cause. Based on the results, HiLearn was announced the winner of the competition.


The competition aimed to expand Khan Academy Armenia’s math materials in the Armenian language and raise resources to ensure their free availability. The membership fees collected at the registration will be wholly directed to the localization of Khan Academy’s mathematical problems for high school.

In this new format, the IT companies had their common contribution to the multiplication of the educational opportunities in Armenia. The idea lay in the basis of the speakers’ opening speeches during the event. Aram Pakhchanian, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ayb Educational Foundation, expressed hope about the sustainability of such an important initiative and about its contribution to the establishment of a community of education champions.


Vahe Danielyan, executive manager at the PMI Science R&D Center and a valued attendee of the event, encouraged everyone to support such educational initiatives to expand the available scientific and educational tools, and called the event a wonderful opportunity for every participant organization to become part of a new partnership network.


Sona Koshetsyan, executive director of the Ayb Educational Foundation, attached importance to the participants’ unification and cooperation around an educational idea for the benefit of a greater number of people. It was mentioned that Ayb’s first initiative in a similar format may give rise to a new fundraising tradition for an educational cause.


The participant companies and their four-member teams became an illustrative example of what a young specialist pursuing success in the field should aspire for. It is no mere coincidence that the leading IT companies came together to support an educational fundraising cause. After all, IT is where knowledgeability and proficiency in math are most apparent. 

The competition was held at the PMI Science R&D Center of Philip Morris Armenia, a partner of the event. The initiative stems from the Ayb Educational Foundation’s mission to ensure an authentic educational environment.

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