
A memorandum of understanding between the Startup Armenia Science and Education Foundation and the Ayb Educational Foundation

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Startup Armenia Science and Education Foundation (Startup Club program) and the Ayb Educational Foundation․ According to the memorandum and as part of the Ayb Hybrid Education Program (AHEP), the Startup Armenia Foundation will conduct courses on Research Skills and Design Thinking for all the participants of AHEP.

The participants of AHEP will have an opportunity to develop their analytical thinking and data analysis skills, generate innovative ideas and design mechanisms for their implementation.

The Ayb Hybrid Education Program is a competitive and comprehensive education program based on the Araratian Baccalaureate. The first phase of the program has 66 participants, 43 out of which are from RA marzes and Artsakh and 23 from Yerevan.

Main News

Formation of the Boards of Trustees has begun

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When Education Transforms the Future

We have recently summarized the Ayb Hybrid Learning program in an online format.

From Now on, Contests Lab will Hold the Kangaroo, Meghu and a Number of Other Contests

Ayb Educational Foundation has transferred the rights to hold the contests it has created and organized since 2008 to the Contests’ Lab educational NGO.
Last News

Summary of the results of testing the new educational standard in the schools of Tavush marz

Recently, the World Bank presented the results of the external evaluation of the state standard of general education in Tavush marz.

Summary of the Generation AI program

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Aravot Luso: Meri Hovsepyan, Anahit Hovhannisyan

The Aravot Luso morning show hosted Meri Hovsepyan, academic director of Ayb School, education expert, and Anahit Hovhannisyan, consulting expert at the Ayb Educational Foundation, head of the Armenian subject group of Ayb School, who summarized the training and continuous mentoring activities undertaken with over 1500 teachers during the previous year as a result of cooperation with various partners.

To a New School with New Skills

With the aim of imparting student-centered and innovative teaching methods, the Ayb Educational Foundation, in cooperation with the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF), conducted three-month pedagogical and professional development trainings for Debed School’s teachers.
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