
Mher Yengibaryan: When a single decision changes your life


It is already the third year that seventeen-year-old Mher Yengibaryan has been studying in Ayb High School, a place that a few years ago seemed like an unattainable dream to him. Mher remembers how he passed the exams and was admitted to Ayb, which, according to him, played a huge role in his life. However, that journey was not an easy one.

Ayb High School scholarship system is the largest social project in Armenia’s non-governmental sector: about 70% of the students, including Mher, study with the support of benefactors.

Mher grew up in a family of lecturers, and his older sister Nane is an Ayb graduate. Mher and his sister are very close, they even learned Chinese together so that they could "secretly" speak it within the family circle. Her opinion means a lot for Mher. Nane was always the first to confront difficulties and her enthusiasm and belief in the school had also instilled some respect in Mher. Nane was very pleased with Ayb, so the family decided firmly—Mher should also study there.

Hesitation on entering Ayb

However, at first Mher wasn’t so sure about that.

His mind felt like a mess: he was thinking more about doing sports, spending time with friends, enjoying a carefree life rather than about studying. He categorically did not want to enter Ayb, but at the insistence of his family and having his sister's example, he finally decided to try.

After taking the exams, he was sure, "I won't pass."

After the exams he received a letter from Ayb. Mher hesitated to open it, fearing disappointment. Mother took that responsibility and opened the letter: getting two points above the passing threshold, Mher had become an Ayb student. The next thing that concerned Mher was: "How am I going to study?" His joy doubled when he learned that thanks to benefactors he had the opportunity to study on scholarship.

At that moment he felt like life gave him a new chance. He realized that his “reluctance” was a reflection of his teenage mentality and that Ayb can be a place not only for education but also for personal growth and new opportunities.

And so, Mher, who didn’t even want to hear about studying in Ayb, eventually found his way in a school that, according to him, would offer endless opportunities for his personal growth.

Mher clearly remembers his first day in Ayb School. The school bus took them to school in the morning. At the beginning, everything and everyone were unfamiliar. But at first glance his attention was caught by the interior of Ayb.

“I have always loved architecture, even though I would not choose it as a profession. I was fascinated by the architecture of the school,’’ Mher says.

He gradually felt more confident and comfortable at school. The lessons also became interesting and he started to study well.

He often wondered why many people become demotivated while studying.

“The main reason is the lack of final result—when you don’t see what you are studying for. But if there is a goal, then every obstacle can be overcome.“

Armenian language and literature: a new look

Before going to high school, Armenian language and literature were “meaningless subjects” for Mher. He couldn’t understand why he had to spend hours reading poems or analyzing stories.

But Ayb changed everything for him.

“Our teachers, their approaches and teaching methods helped me to go deeper in these subjects: I realized that Armenian language and literature are not only words and texts; they are our culture, history and the reflection of our identity.”

Rock as a lifestyle

Music is everywhere in his life. He listens to every music genre.

But one day one of Metallica’s songs made him listen to the whole album. Rock became an inseparable part of his life. Mher chose music as his art major in Ayb and now he plays a bass guitar in the school’s rock band.

“This year we are playing The Beatles and preparing a project dedicated to the band. Though I am not a big fan of them, as I am more into King Crimson, with this project we want to show how important The Beatles are and what a great contribution they have made to music,” Mher tells.

Joy of reading

He wasn’t interested in reading, but now he has started reading and even enjoying the process.

“Last year, we did a project with the school’s band on the relation of music and books and I have started reading since then. Moreover, at Ayb we are taught not only to listen but also to analyze music, understand how it was written, what stages the author went through. This refers to literature as well. Ayb teaches to think deeper and analyze independently. Thinking for yourself, understanding for yourself, and learning from facts for yourself are very much valued in Ayb.”

The power of united community

“One of the favorite moments at Ayb is the breaks, when students get together several times a day to have meal. It is more than just satisfying hunger. At these moments we get a chance to socialize with friends, laugh, discuss studies and dreams and go back to classes relaxed and energized. Education is not only lessons and books; it is the environment where you grow, make friends and learn to live. And Ayb has become the place where I get knowledge and my second home.”

The unity of the school community is very special to him; it seems like a big family. “I hadn't experience that in my public school. During celebrations we all dance national dances together, expressing and preserving our identity. It is such an impressive sight. Our band consists of students from different generations of Ayb. We have also people who no longer study at Ayb but continue keep in touch. That is extremely important to me.”

Mher tells us that with its approaches and innovative methods, Ayb is not just a school for him but has become a source of inspiration: “I always wonder how such institutions change the field of education and provide new opportunities.”

These thoughts gave rise to a dream in him: some day, when he grows up, he too will open his own school. “Ayb does a great job in the field of education. And that inspires me to think of opening my own school, where, like Ayb, every detail will be thought out and students will feel like part of a big family.”

Road to Qatar University

Mher hasn’t chosen a profession yet, but sometimes he thinks to teach like his parents and teachers.

“But something is clear: if I open a school someday, I will definitely teach. I will teach not only to pass on knowledge but also to share my own experience. It will be a great opportunity to inspire new generation, as does Ayb to me,” Mher confesses. He considers experience a powerful tool that, together with knowledge, can change people’s lives.

While this dream is still a matter of a distant future, Mher is confident that if there is a goal, then anything is possible. It was to achieve this goal that his path led him to Northwestern University in Qatar, which is among the top 50 universities in the world, ranking 33rd. By the way, due to his high academic performance, Mher will study at the university with a 100 percent scholarship.

“We had a guest from Qatar Northwestern University, who told us about public relations and journalism. I had never considered these professions before, but when I started studying them, they turned out to be very interesting and promising. Career orientation specialist Ruzanna also gave a hint, “This university is a good opportunity for you.” Her words gave me confidence and I decided: that’s the direction I want to continue my education,” Mher says, adding that he didn’t have high hopes on admission.

But he was admitted and with a progressive scholarship. Soon, Mher will continue his studies at Qatar University, majoring in media law.

Education: a process of development and self-awareness

Life is full of unexpected opportunities, and sometimes all you need is to change your plans in order to open new doors. Now it's Mher's younger brother's turn, and he also consider studying at Ayb in the future. Mher says if he is asked, “Is it worth it?” the answer will surely be: “I will definitely recommend to study at Ayb. If one wants to develop comprehensively, he must study here. Ayb requires to be interested and study various fields. If you are intended to come and take all the opportunities, you will go far. “

As a proof, Mher tells about the school’s rock band. Together with Ayb graduates, they gave a concert last year. “Ayb provides many opportunities to engage in your hobbies and if you take advantages from these opportunities, you will definitely achieve a lot. When you know what you are studying for, and when you see how it is all related to your life, all the hardship becomes easier to bear. Education here is not just a way to get grades or pass exams, but a process of development and self-awareness."

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